Programming Principles Pro

1 by Engineering Apps
Jan 11, 2019

About Programming Principles Pro

Best App on Basics of Principles of Programming, learn a topic in a minute

This App covers most important topics in simple English and diagrams for a quick study and revisions at the time of Exams, Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It is the most useful App for last minute preparations.

The best app for school, college and work. If you are a student It will help to learn a lot.

This useful App lists 127 topics in 5 chapters, totally based on practical as well as a strong base of theoretical knowledge with notes written in very simple and understandable English.

Consider this App as a quick note guide which professors use in a classroom. The App will help in faster learning and quick revisions of all the topics.

Some of the topics Covered in the app are:

1. Abstract Machines

2. The Interpreter

3. Low-level and High-level languages

4. Example of an Abstract Machine

5. Describe a Programming Language

6. Grammar and Syntax

7. Introduction to syntax and semantics

8. Problem of Describing Syntax

9. Methods of Describing Syntax

10. Extended BNF

11. Attribute Grammars

12. Attribute Grammars Defined

13. Examples of Attribute Grammars

14. Computing Attribute Values

15. Dynamic Semantics

16. Axiomatic Semantics

17. Principles of language design

18. Programming paradigm

19. History of programming languages

20. Language design

21. Design goals of programming languages

22. Compilers

23. Virtual machines and interpreters

24. Chomsky Hierarchy

25. Elementary data types

26. Integer operations

27. Overflow operation

28. Enumeration types

29. Character type

30. Boolean type

31. Subtypes

32. Derived types

33. Expressions

34. Assignment statements

35. Introduction to lexical and semantic analysis

36. Lexical Analysis

37. Parsing Problem

38. Top-Down parsing

39. Bottom-Up Parsing

40. Complexity of Parsing

41. LL Grammar Class

42. Parsing Problem for Bottom-Up Parsers

43. Shift-Reduce Algorithms

44. LR Parsers

45. Data type

46. Primitive Data Types

47. Character String Types

48. Implementation of Character String Types

49. Array Types

50. Array Categories

51. Slices

52. Implementation of Array Types

53. Associative Arrays

54. Record Types

55. Tuple Types

56. List Types

57. Union Types

58. Pointer and Reference Types

59. Pointer Problems

60. Pointers in C and C

61. Reference Types

62. Implementation of Pointer and Reference Types

63. Heap Management

64. Type Checking

65. Strong Typing

66. Expressions

67. Arithmetic Expressions

68. Operator Evaluation Order

69. Associativity

70. Parentheses

71. Operand Evaluation Order

72. Referential Transparency

73. Overloaded Operators

74. Type Conversions

75. Coercion in Expressions

76. Explicit Type Conversion

77. Relational and Boolean Expressions

78. Short-Circuit Evaluation

79. Assignment statements

80. Fundamentals of Subprograms

81. Procedures and Functions in subprograms

82. Design Issues for Subprograms

83. Local Referencing Environments

84. Parameter-Passing Methods

85. Implementating Models of Parameter Passing

86. Implementing Parameter-Passing Methods

87. Type Checking Parameters

88. Parameters That Are Subprograms

89. Calling Subprograms Indirectly

90. Overloaded Subprograms

91. Generic Subprograms

92. Generic Functions in C

93. Generic Methods in Java 5.0

94. Design Issues for Functions

95. User-Defined Overloaded Operators

96. Closures

97. Coroutines

98. The Concept of Abstraction

99. Data Abstraction

100. Design Issues for Abstract Data Types

101. Abstract Data Types in Ada

102. Abstract Data Types in C

103. Abstract Data Types in C#

104. Parameterized Abstract Data Types

105. Parameterized Abstract Data Types in C

106. Encapsulation in C

107. Encapsulation in C

108. Concurrency

109. Categories of Concurrency

110. Subprogram-Level Concurrency

111. Flow diagram of task states

112. Semaphores

113. Cooperation Synchronization

114. Competition Synchronization

115. Monitors

116. Message Passing

117. Ada Support for Concurrency

118. Java Threads

119. High-Performance Fortran

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