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Decades before Carl Sagan published his now-legendary Baloney Detection Kit for critical thinking, the great philosopher, psychologist, and education reformer John Dewey (October 20, 1859–June 1, 1952) penned the definitive treatise on the subject — a subject all the more urgently relevant today, in our age of snap judgments and instant opinions. In his 1910 masterwork How We Think (free download | public library), Dewey examines what separates thinking, a basic human faculty we take for granted, from thinking well, what it takes to train ourselves into mastering the art of thinking, and how we can channel our natural curiosity in a productive way when confronted with an overflow of information.
I. What is Thought?
II. The Need for Training Thought
III. Natural Resources in the Training of Thought
IV. School Conditions and the Training of Thought
V. The Means and End of Mental Training: the Psychological and the Logical
VI. The Analysis of a Complete Act of Thought
VII. Systematic Inference: Induction and Deduction
VIII. Judgment: The Interpretation of Facts
IX. Meaning: or Conceptions and Understanding
X. Concrete and Abstract Thinking
XI. Empirical and Scientific Thinking
XII. Activity and the Training of Thought
XIII. Language and the Training of Thought
XIV. Observation and Information in the Training of Mind
XV. The Recitation and the Training of Thought
XVI. Some General Conclusions
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Last updated on Aug 12, 2022
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How We Think by John Dewey
8.0 by Classy eBooks
Aug 12, 2022