Prepare well for USMLE with concise notes and clinical correlation.
USMLE® is a joint program of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and the National Board of Medical Examiners
(NBME), which neither sponsor nor endorse this product.
Table of Contents-
Part I: Fluid Distribution and Edema
Chapter 1: Fluid Distribution and Edema
Part II: Excitable Tissue
Chapter 1: Ionic Equilibrium and Resting Membrane Potential
Chapter 2: The Neuron Action Potential and Synaptic Transmission
Chapter 3: Electrical Activity of the Heart
Part III: Muscle
Chapter 1: Excitation-Contraction Coupling
Chapter 2: Skeletal Muscle Mechanics
Part IV: Cardiovascular
Chapter 1: Hemodynamics and Important Principles
Chapter 2: Cardiac Muscle Mechanics
Chapter 3: CV Regulation and Cardiac Output
Chapter 4: Regulation of Blood Flow
Chapter 5: Cardiac Cycle and Valvular Heart Disease
Part V: Respiration
Chapter 1: Lung Mechanics
Chapter 2: Alveolar–Blood Gas Exchange
Chapter 3: Transport of O2 and CO2 and the Regulation of Ventilation
Chapter 4: Ventilation/Perfusion Matching and Hypoxemia
Part VI: Renal Physiology
Chapter 1: Renal Structure and Glomerular Filtration
Chapter 2: Solute Transport: Reabsorption and Secretion
Chapter 3: Clinical Estimation of GFR and Patterns of
Chapter 4: Regional Transport
Chapter 5: Acid–Base Regulation
Part VII: Endocrinology
Chapter 1: General Aspects of the Endocrine System
Chapter 2: Hypothalamic–Anterior Pituitary System
Chapter 3: Posterior Pituitary
Chapter 4: Adrenal Cortex
Chapter 5: Adrenal Medulla
Chapter 6: Endocrine Pancreas
Chapter 7: Hormonal Control of Calcium and Phosphate
Chapter 8: Thyroid Hormones
Chapter 9: Growth, Growth Hormone, and Puberty
Chapter 10: Male Reproductive System
Chapter 11: Female Reproductive System
Part VIII: Gastrointestinal Physiology
Chapter 1: Overview and Motility
Chapter 2: Secretions
Chapter 3: Digestion and Absorption