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Abraham Lincoln was born in rural Kentucky in 1809, to parents of low social standing and little education. During his childhood and early youth, the family would move several times, first to Indiana and later to Illinois. Lincoln's mother, Nancy Hanks, died when Lincoln was still a boy, and the next year his father, Thomas remarried to Sarah Bush Johnston, who helped raise the young Lincoln.
Lincoln got his start in life after a pair of flatboat journeys to New Orleans. Soon afterward, he moved to New Salem, Illinois and set up as a store clerk there. When the Black Hawk War broke out in 1832, he became the captain of his volunteer company, serving for three months but seeing no active duty.
Lincoln's first bid for elected office came in that same year, when he ran unsuccessfully for the Illinois state legislature. Two years later, he ran again and was victorious, becoming a fixture of the Whig party in the General Assembly for the next eight years. At the same time, Lincoln's law career began to flourish. He was admitted to the bar in 1837, and moved to Springfield, the new state capital, later that same year.
I. The Wild West
II. The Lincoln Family
III. Early Years
IV. In Indiana
V. Second Journey to New Orleans
VI. Desultory Employments
VII. Entering Politics
VIII. Entering the Law
IX. On the Circuit
X. Social Life and Marriage
XI. The Encroachments of Slavery
XII. The Awakening of the Lion
XIII. Two Things that Lincoln Missed
XIV. Birth of the Republican Party
XV. The Battle of the Giants
XVI. Growing Audacity of the Slave Power
XVII. The Backwoodsman at the Center of Eastern Culture
XVIII. The Nomination of 1860
XIX. The Election
XX. Four Long Months
XXI. Journey to Washington
XXII. The Inauguration
XXIII. Lincoln his Own President
XXIV. Fort Sumter
XXV. The Outburst of Patriotism
and so on.....
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Joao Gabriel II
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