2.5 for Android
1 Reviews
Allows you to read or copy Buddhist scriptures and mantras, and provide a Buddhist dictionary, including search tools and word tips in the scriptures. Contents include: Heart Sutra, Diamond Sutra, Amitabha Sutra, Ten Mantras and other scriptures and commonly used mantras, as your portable Buddhist reference tool.
1.3.53 for Android
0 Reviews
DesktopCal helps you keep track of your trivia and easily manage your schedule.
Sparksine 好書閱讀精粹 為你送上每本書的重點
1.13.4 for Android
0 Reviews
Sparksine integrates the focus of a book and creates an excellent article so that you no longer have problems reading without time.
2.3.1 for Android
0 Reviews
聖經行事曆 :金句、比喻、地圖、教導、靈修筆記、神蹟、小工具
3.6.10 for Android
0 Reviews
可聆聽國語及粵語聖經,也可查閱人物、比喻、神蹟、地點、金句、地圖,和日曆、聯絡、照片等作關顧事項,更有和合本、King James等經文,時刻緊記神的話語。
DangDai Chinese 當代中文課程
1.2.2 for Android
0 Reviews
The most professional app to learn Mandarin Chinese!
40.7 for Android
0 Reviews
A magical app for fortune-telling by scanning your face
24.12.0 for Android
0 Reviews
三國演義 - 中華古典四大名著之一
1.3.0 for Android
0 Reviews
"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is one of the four famous Chinese classics, and it is the first long-length historical romance novel in Hui style in China. The full name is "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".
Buddhist eBooks (Master Lu)
2.0.18 for Android
0 Reviews
Reading "Bai Hua Fo Fa" everyday can help develop our wisdom and change destiny.
1.4 for Android
0 Reviews
Thank Grace morality, good books, completely free, and the content is not embedded in any advertising!
3.2.6 for Android
0 Reviews
Bilingual vocabulary, academic nouns and dictionaries
中国诗词 | 唐诗宋词 | 古诗词
1.0.8 for Android
0 Reviews
Learn Chinese traditional culture, Tang poetry, Song poetry and other ancient poems
Unit Converter-MEAS、ELEC、PHYS
1.16 for Android
0 Reviews
This is a best Unit Converter
Calc (incl. widget)、MEAS、ELEC、PHYS
2.3.2 for Android
0 Reviews
Beginneros is an online learning platform dedicated to sharing knowledge, so that everyone can share and learn knowledge here.
QM_20240824_2330 for Android
0 Reviews
Men learn to escape, do not ask to come.
1.3 for Android
0 Reviews
The "New Era Japanese-Chinese Dictionary" has a very rich database, with real-time query function in both Chinese and Japanese languages. It contains more than 66,000 words. The example sentences of each vocabulary are perfectly presented after being reviewed by experts. False foreign requests without self-learning.
2.4.4 for Android
0 Reviews
A must-learn application course for activating Japanese proficiency. It connects the grammar and allows users to apply what they have learned to achieve natural Japanese in accordance with time, place, and person, enriching the level of conversation and integrating common expressions in Japanese life. Target.