2.5 for Android
1 Reviews
Allows you to read or copy Buddhist scriptures and mantras, and provide a Buddhist dictionary, including search tools and word tips in the scriptures. Contents include: Heart Sutra, Diamond Sutra, Amitabha Sutra, Ten Mantras and other scriptures and commonly used mantras, as your portable Buddhist reference tool.
Buddhist Sutras《佛经》- “Guan Yin
1.0.413 for Android
0 Reviews
This app contains 17 Mahayana Buddhist Sutras with Pinyin and Tally Counter.
Buddha Mantra
1.6 for Android
0 Reviews
Buddha Mantra containing up to 36 mantras with many beautiful Buddha images.
正宗觀音靈籤 for Android
0 Reviews
The authentic Guanyin spiritual lottery provides documents and records for requesting, checking and resolving signatures. MZTIT
1.6.0 for Android
1 Reviews
Appreciation of the classic poem, relive the charm of the ancient treasures of Chinese literature, the profound feelings of ancient literature!
2.3.1 for Android
0 Reviews
1.0.4 for Android
0 Reviews
Tibetan Buddhist Electronic Texts
1.2 for Android
0 Reviews
2.0.1 for Android
0 Reviews
Association of Life ministry official mobile program that provides daily devotionals for the dear brothers and sisters.
乾隆大藏经 佛经
1.29 for Android
0 Reviews
此应用是末学平时看经的一个应用,在Google Play的版本几经被禁,终于目前中国开发者也可以使用Google Play了,感恩佛陀,南无阿弥陀佛
1.4.18 for Android
0 Reviews
Intelligent counter, recording your daily reading of the number of times chanted, and carried back to share. Amitabha!
Mahayana Buddhist Sutras - 佛经
1.9.4 for Android
0 Reviews
Mahayana Buddhist Sutra & Mantras in English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese
1.27 for Android
0 Reviews
2016-01-19 slid down the secondary function Select the font size
2015-09-09 slide up the secondary selection chapter function
Great Compassion Mantra《百人合唱“大
1.0.3 for Android
0 Reviews
Great Compassion Mantra version chanted by hundred people
三國演義 - 中華古典四大名著之一
1.3.0 for Android
0 Reviews
"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is one of the four famous Chinese classics, and it is the first long-length historical romance novel in Hui style in China. The full name is "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".
佛梅電子大藏經 2.0
1.0f for Android
0 Reviews
現上載《佛梅電子大藏經 2.0》普及版可提供經文大小字型及版面橫排直排的選擇,法喜大家,閱藏知津,學佛修行 !
1.7 for Android
0 Reviews
梵唱大悲咒 MP3
1.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Chanting Compassion
佛教念诵合集 - 观世音菩萨「心灵法门」
1.12 for Android
0 Reviews
1.7 for Android
0 Reviews