7.34.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Perfect for junior high school mathematics, mathematics tests, and mathematics tests.
From reviewing fractions, decimals, and units, to equations, square roots, and simple word problems, challenge your math skills!
運転免許問題集 普通車学科
7.68.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Ordinary car driver's license academic measures app. Plenty of 1245 questions with explanations.
It is a safe problem collection corresponding to the latest road traffic law!
楽しい 小学校 1年生 算数(算数ドリル) 学習アプリ
1.4.0 for Android
0 Reviews
It is an elementary school first grade math study support app made by referring to the course of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. You can practice not only calculation problems but also how to assemble formulas from sentences and how to read figures and numerical lines.
ビノバ 算数-小学生,5年生- 図形や立体をドリルで勉強
4.6.1 for Android
0 Reviews
"It is also used in schools and cram school"
Definitive edition of Elementary School fifth-grade math app!
It is a popular learning app series total 450 000 DL.
ビノバ 算数-小学生,1年生- 足し算や引き算をドリルで勉強
4.6.1 for Android
0 Reviews
"Use at school or cram school"
The definitive edition of the elementary school first grade math app!
It is very popular learning app series millionth DL.
ビノバ 算数-小学生,4年生- 図形や小数をドリルで勉強
4.6.1 for Android
0 Reviews
"It is also used in schools and cram school"
Definitive edition of elementary school 4th grade math app!
It is a popular learning app series total 450 000 DL.
ビノバ 算数-小学生,3年生- 割り算や分数をドリルで勉強
4.6.1 for Android
0 Reviews
"Use at school or cram school"
The definitive edition of the elementary school third grade math app!
It is very popular learning app series total 450,000 DL.
ビノバ 算数-小学生,2年生- 掛け算や時計をドリルで勉強
4.6.1 for Android
0 Reviews
"It is also used in schools and cram school"
Definitive edition of second grade math app!
It is a popular learning app series total 450 000 DL.
ビノバ 算数-小学生,6年生- 文字式や図形をドリルで勉強
4.6.1 for Android
0 Reviews
"It is also used in schools and cram school"
Definitive edition of elementary school sixth grade math app!
It is a popular learning app series total 450 000 DL.
【小2算数 時計の計算】 かんたん!反復問題集
1.0.13 for Android
0 Reviews
Improve your academic ability with repeated practice! Small 2 Arithmetic Clock calculation Iterate earnestly!
Area Quiz : Geometry Problems
2.2.1 for Android
0 Reviews
Can you solve these puzzles? If so, your IQ might be 130+! Fun brain teasers!
【小2算数 九九】 かんたん!反復問題集
1.0.13 for Android
0 Reviews
Improve your academic ability with repeated practice! Small 2 math, multiplication table, just repeat!
小学生・中学受験の算数 特殊算 小学生無料知育アプリ
1.0.0 for Android
0 Reviews
This app is an unofficial free exercise books that was created to elementary school children to refrain from junior high school exam.
【小3算数 わり算・分と秒】 かんたん!反復問題集
1.1.2 for Android
0 Reviews
Improve your academic ability with repeated practice! Repeat the word problem, minutes and seconds!
【小2算数 水かさ計算】かんたん!反復問題集
1.0.13 for Android
0 Reviews
Improve your academic ability with repeated practice! Small 2 arithmetic, water-bulk calculation, repeated earnestly!
中学受験 理科 生物 地学 物理 必須項目 練習問題2016
1.0.3 for Android
0 Reviews
【小1算数 時計のよみかた】 かんたん!反復問題集
1.0.7 for Android
0 Reviews
Improve your academic ability with repeated practice! Small 1 math How to read the clock Repeat earnestly!
小学一年生 算数の勉強 小学生向け無料アプリ 足し算・引き算
1.0.5 for Android
0 Reviews
小学一年生 算数の勉強ができる、小学生向け無料知育アプリです。イラストが多いので幼児教育にも使えます。
小学三年生 算数 無料勉強アプリ かけ算・わり算 計算ドリル
1.0.1 for Android
0 Reviews
小学三年生算数 小学生向けの無料勉強アプリです。
【小2算数 九九穴埋め】 かんたん!反復問題集
1.0.13 for Android
0 Reviews
Improve your academic ability with repeated practice! Small 2 Arithmetic: Multiplication table filling and repeating!