ターゲットの友 英単語アプリで大学受験・TOEIC®対策!
3.8.7 for Android
0 Reviews
Obunsha's "English Vocabulary Target" series official app. Compatible with 1900/1400/1200/TOEIC1100. A must-have English vocabulary app for test takers that allows you to memorize words in your spare time.
1.1.1 for Android
0 Reviews
It is an application for "confirmation test / voice learning" of Toshin Books (book).
生词本 - 智能复习提醒,轻松背单词,私家定制笔记本
3.1.6 for Android
0 Reviews
Picture mnemonics, spelling practice, English-Chinese dictionary, original example sentences, classified list, timed memory. Cloud backup, record real context, own word book. Intelligent reminder, scientific memory, and efficient memorization of words.
書き取り漢字練習 [広告付き]
3.3.2 for Android
0 Reviews
Is there a Chinese character that I can not write even read?
Simply because it is now the era of the personal computer, let's UP Kanji force!
1.32.0 for Android
0 Reviews
スタディサプリ オープンキャンパス - 大学・専門学校情報
6.0.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Easily request materials and applications of about 2,300 universities, junior colleges, vocational schools nationwide! Easy campus booking also easy!
3.62 for Android
0 Reviews
Memorization card of care worker with complete commentary + past problems. It's not just a past question app, you can create your own question set from each event, field, weak questions, etc. and thoroughly review important items!
1.5.0 for Android
0 Reviews
N1 Kanji Japanese
1.3 for Android
0 Reviews
Kanji words reading and meaning - N1 level
【旧版書籍用】ターゲットの友1400 英単語アプリ
2.10.1 for Android
0 Reviews
[For old edition books] "English word target 1400 4th edition" compatible app * If you have the latest "5th edition" book, please use the "Target Friend" (unbranded version) app
【旧版書籍用】ターゲットの友1000 英熟語アプリ
1.8.3 for Android
0 Reviews
[For old edition books] "English idiom target 1000 4th edition" compatible app * If you have the latest "revised edition" book, please use the "Target Friend" (unbranded version) app
究極英単語!TOEIC® 800点突破編
4.9.2 for Android
0 Reviews
TOEIC must-see! An overwhelmingly efficient TOEIC English word app that is completely free to use. Thoroughly support TOEIC high score acquisition!
【旧版書籍用】ターゲットの友1200 英単語アプリ
1.10.3 for Android
0 Reviews
[For old edition books] "English word target 1200 (first edition)" compatible app * If you have the latest "revised edition" book, please use the "Target Friend" (unbranded edition) app
2025年版 ITパスポート問題集Lite(全問解説付)
3.7 for Android
0 Reviews
Contains a total of 2060 questions
2025年版 基本情報技術者試験問題集Lite(全問解説)
3.7 for Android
0 Reviews
Contains over 1,120 questions in total, including 2024 open questions, 2020-24 final exams, and 2013-19 past questions, with explanations for all questions
英検リスニングマスター 3級
1.18 for Android
0 Reviews
The definitive edition of Eiken listening measures app that can be used in a completely free!
Listening problem 10 times worth of all 300 questions included!
新・理解を深める 核心古文単語351
1.1.1 for Android
0 Reviews
This is a free application that allows you to effectively study the contents of "Understanding Core Word 351" in three modes.
マナビミライ 中学/高校/大学受験とテスト勉強向け暗記アプリ
1.6.6 for Android
0 Reviews
Includes Japanese, ancient Chinese, mathematics, science, geography, history, civilians, English, English words, English grammar, etc. Learn only the problems that you are not good at with memorization cards, red sheets, and quizzes. Ideal for regular exams, entrance exams, and exam preparation.
簿記3級 1000回解ける問題集
1.47 for Android
0 Reviews
The only one of the problems collection problem in time to solve is changed every time. Nissho completely cover the range of bookkeeping tertiary.
2025年版 応用情報技術者試験問題集Lite(全問解説)
2.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Latest 2024 fall recording, complete recording of 1,280 morning questions, includes explanations for all questions