Japan News | 日本ニュース
11.1 for Android
0 Reviews
It's a fast way to read Japan (日本) News (ニュース) in Japanese (日本語) on Android.
3.4.2 for Android
0 Reviews
Specializes in watching video news comfortably. Breaking news push notifications can be delivered by selecting the information you want. Weather information useful for daily life and health!
Tweecha for Twitter
67.1.2 for Android
0 Reviews
We have reached the limit by Twitter. Try out Tweecha Lite.
Radio Japan FM Live
2.23.1 for Android
0 Reviews
Japanese Online Radio, Japanese FM Radio, Internet Radio and Music!
4.4.1 for Android
0 Reviews
An app that allows you to read 2ch and 5ch summary sites with fewer ads, giga savings (packet savings), offline usage, large stock of articles, fast display, and dark mode support.
4.4.2 for Android
0 Reviews
1.0.35 for Android
0 Reviews
When used together with ATOK, words that can be converted is added, the input will be easier.
1.0.35 for Android
0 Reviews
Using together and ATOK, added the words that can be converted will be the input is more comfortable.
鬼女速、既女速報まとめ 2ch、5ちゃんねる(ギガ節約)
4.3.57 for Android
0 Reviews
For those of you who are interested in the latest information on 2ch and 5ch summary sites such as Onijo, Zedomesoku, and Kitimamasoku, we offer offline support, fewer ads, voice reading, giga savings (packet savings)
ねこネコニュース 圏外でも見られる、広告の少ない猫アプリ
4.3.12 for Android
0 Reviews
4.3.57 for Android
0 Reviews
You can read the 2-channel summary site for free. Since it is equipped with a night mode that is easy to read even before going to bed, there is no doubt that you will encounter rice terrorism. An app that can be read even outside the service area
News bags (Can be used outside
4.1.80 for Android
0 Reviews
News app that can be used outside the service area
東亜(韓国、中国)まとめ 圏外(オフライン)対応
4.3.22 for Android
0 Reviews
Special Asia, East Asia (Korea, China) summary app. You can watch it outside the service area (offline), it supports video playback, there are few advertisements in articles, it's a simple, super-fast app. dark theme, night mode
4.3.9 for Android
0 Reviews
An application that can display a summary of voice actors, anime, games 5ch, 2ch summary sites. If cache is acquired, high-speed display even in out-of-range, low-speed communication environment