角川新字源 改訂新版
2.01 for Android
0 Reviews
"Kadokawa New Character Source Revised New Edition" is a Kan-Wa dictionary containing about 13,500 kanji and about 105,000 idioms (including reference idioms). Latest research and latest common kanji / kanji for personal names
新明解国語辞典 第八版
2.01 for Android
0 Reviews
The latest edition of the popular Japanese dictionary, which includes sharp interpretations, abundant examples, and audio data.
1.01 for Android
0 Reviews
A modern Japanese “thesaurus” that arranges words by meaning and field.
精選版 日本国語大辞典
1.01 for Android
0 Reviews
Carefully selected and condensed Japanese dictionaries that stand at the top of Japan
有斐閣 認知心理学ハンドブック
3.01 for Android
0 Reviews
"Cognitive Psychology Handbook" The most appropriate author clearly explains from basic concepts and theories to new important concepts and theories. An overview of cognitive psychology A guidebook / encyclopedia covering 173 items.
有斐閣 経済辞典 第5版
3.01 for Android
0 Reviews
A Japanese dictionary of economic terms that explains academic terms, current affairs terms, business terms, etc. in a wide range of fields centered on the economy in a concise and clear manner. A must-have dictionary for learning and practice in the age of globalization.
2.11 for Android
0 Reviews
"Illustrated Legal Term Dictionary (Revised 4th Edition)" is a practical legal term dictionary that explains difficult legal terms in a concrete and easy-to-understand manner with the help of illustrations.
1.01 for Android
0 Reviews
Pursuing easy-to-understand ``easy-to-understand'' ancient language dictionary!
大修館 全訳古語辞典
3.02 for Android
0 Reviews
The Taishukan Shoten Ancient Language Dictionary is the definitive edition of the ancient language dictionary, which is familiar and easy to understand, and is useful in the field of ancient sentence interpretation, with a modern translation that thoroughly corresponds to each example word by word!