Japanese Remember, JLPT N5~N1
2024.01 for Android
0 Reviews
Japanese vocabulary app includes learning,quiz,and pronounce for JLPT N5 ~ N1
1.21 for Android
0 Reviews
Transwhiz 發行,名師蔣志榆編著優質英語會話學習 app。用最貼近老外的說法,學最實用的口語會話,開口說一點都不難。採功能情境分類,快速達到學習目標。
1.02 for Android
0 Reviews
Learn English with Real World English Corpus
2.6.0 for Android
0 Reviews
The MeBooks English Learning Center satisfies your desire for diverse English learning in the most economical and affordable way! During the subscription period, you will have all-you-can-eat good books, including ICRT Daily News English news, movies and American dramas.
1.2.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Popular Bookstore, a popular free novel reader with a comfortable reading experience. The popular bookstore has a complete classification, covering two major categories of male and female channels, with a large number of fine novels, and there is always one that can stir your heartstrings.
2.3.2 for Android
0 Reviews
Beginneros is an online learning platform dedicated to sharing knowledge, so that everyone can share and learn knowledge here.
常春藤核心英文字彙, 正體中文版
2.34 for Android
0 Reviews
Released by Transwhiz, the famous teacher Lai Shixiong series of high-quality English learning apps are the best tool to enhance the strength of single words.
2025年版 ITパスポート問題集(全問解説付)
3.7 for Android
0 Reviews
Contains a total of 2060 questions
高分子 化学(有機・無機)
1.5.142 for Android
0 Reviews
From basics to difficult problems, an app that aims for a perfect score with high school chemistry polymers
小学生手書き漢字ドリル1026 for School
7.58.0 for Android
0 Reviews
The definitive version of the Kanji learning app for elementary school students!
In addition to the standard dictation and reading, problems with antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, and four-character idioms are also included. Let's challenge all 2992 questions.
1.3 for Android
0 Reviews
The "New Era Japanese-Chinese Dictionary" has a very rich database, with real-time query function in both Chinese and Japanese languages. It contains more than 66,000 words. The example sentences of each vocabulary are perfectly presented after being reviewed by experts. False foreign requests without self-learning.
自然發音速成寶典, 正體中文版
1.77 for Android
0 Reviews
英文不好、發音不準、單字記不起來?自然發音速成寶典是特別為學習英語發音的用戶精心設計的 app。簡化的發音規則和實用單字,搭配大量有趣圖片,適合大人小孩一起學!
1.7.3 for Android
0 Reviews
Chapters 1-14 of the book are explained in simple and easy-to-understand text, which will take you to master the fun of learning grammar easily! If you want to further enhance your impression, you can purchase the "Explanation Edition" and listen to Teacher Lai's humorous talk about important grammatical concepts.