국립국어원 표준국어대사전
1.2024.07.001 for Android
0 Reviews
The National Language Institute's standard Korean dictionary is an improved app for easy use on your smartphone.
KT 스마트명세서
2.6.6 for Android
0 Reviews
KT Smart Statement is an application that allows you to receive a specification via a simple authentication smartphone.
맞춤법 검사기 / 띄어쓰기
3.0 for Android
0 Reviews
★ spell checker / spacing ★
Hangul hazy spaces and highly recommend catching the spelling app at a time.
Available in 100% free.
1.3.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Corresponding to the negative input Hangul, Chinese characters can be entered in the query.
Text message or by using the copy function, you can paste into Mail.
모든 한자 사전 for Android
0 Reviews
■ Search all Chinese dictionary in the world at once~ (Previously: Chinese character search)
1.3.1 for Android
0 Reviews
I want to be the master of my life, vital to our sayings - "good writing sayings"
세상의 모든 명언
1177 for Android
0 Reviews
All the quotes in the world that empathize with users and make them...
Speak Translator (AI) Ko - En for Android
0 Reviews
Translator that translates English and Korean when traveling abroad
Speak Translator (AI) for Android
0 Reviews
An translates and interprets major languages when traveling abroad!
좋은글귀와명언 - 마음이 따뜻해지는 시간 단 5분
2.2.4 for Android
0 Reviews
Even if you read and read several times a day, I will deliver you good works and good words such as gems that make your day a joyful and healing day after day.
일본어 발음 번역
3.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Translate You can translate Korean into Japanese and check the Korean pronunciation of Japanese.
하루1분 생활영어, 영어회화, 영어단어, 영어공부
1.1.2 for Android
0 Reviews
English Conversation, Daily English Daily updates of frequently used English expressions and accurate native speaker pronunciation!
책속의 모든 명언ㅡ좋은글, 책, 명언, 짧고좋은글귀, 독서
1.5.4 for Android
0 Reviews
책속의 모든 명언 앱은 인생의 행복과 성공으로 이끌어 줄수 있는 자기관리, 자기계발, 짧은명언, 좋은글 등을 특별 엄선하여 매일 전해드립니다.
명언, 좋은글, 힐링, 치유, 위로, 회복, 감동의 글
2.3.2 for Android
0 Reviews
[Best Quotes App Selection] Inspirational quotes that touch the heartstrings, healing quotes for those who are hurt, quotes of hope to gain energy
좋은글 꽃편지 - 좋은 글귀, 좋은글 모음, 명언 모음
2.30.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Today, we will send you a good letter in your flower letter.
365좋은글귀 - 좋은글귀, 좋은글 모음, 명언 모음
2.45.0 for Android
0 Reviews
The beginning and the end of the day, 365 why not you, with good uptake of good writing?
미카 영어 발음 보기 ( 번역 / 듣기 )
3.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Which outputs the input Hangul English pronunciation as apps. Translation / listen / record / offer a variety of features of KakaoTalk transfer.
긍정의 한줄 - 마음공부, 명언, 좋은글귀, 소확행,
1.22 for Android
0 Reviews
We are sharing good articles like gems, famous sayings of celebrities, and pictures and articles to help us develop self-development.
1.95 for Android
0 Reviews
Quotes and notables of the cacao story will begin the service with the application.We will send you the quote touched drill once a day.
Wise Sayings and life Quotes
2.37.1 for Android
0 Reviews
It is a collection of Wise Sayings and life Quotes that help you learning Korean