EC Dictionary 英漢字典
9.9.1 for Android
2 Reviews
EC Dict is a fast, easy to use En-Zh / Zh-En dictionary.
墨墨背单词 - 最专业的英语单词记忆软件
5.4.05 for Android
87 Reviews
英漢字典 / 英英字典 - 極簡字典
1.33.6 for Android
2 Reviews
Audiovisual English Dictionary & Cloud Vocabulary
WordBit 英語 (自動學習) -繁體 for Android
1 Reviews
Unconsciously you can increase the number of words
Little habits = "huge development
As a habit, automatic learning English!
2.5.1 for Android
2 Reviews
Knowledge without borders
单词树 - 每天进步一点,进度看得见
3.7.8 for Android
0 Reviews
A powerful tool for learning English words, including college English, TOEFL, TOEIC, GRE, GMAT and other necessary vocabulary for various exams! This is a software specially designed for English learning, which is easy to operate and easy to use.
汉语字典 - 汉字笔顺、新华字典
2.8.3 for Android
1 Reviews
Chinese Dictionary is a handheld Chinese dictionary that supports offline, detailed content, free of charge, and high-quality typesetting.
The Chinese dictionary contains more than 20,000 international (GBK) Chinese characters and more than 150,000 entries.
9.3.2 for Android
0 Reviews
Ebbinghaus planning, focusing on word memory
2.0.67 for Android
0 Reviews
Use this app to recite a single word super fast!
Currently, it contains 7,000 words, GEPT, TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, and all kinds of archaeological questions!
Chinese English Dictionary | C
23.2.9 for Android
0 Reviews
supports both offline and online translation
English Chinese Dictionary
3.5.1 for Android
0 Reviews
The best online translate and offline search english chinese dictionary
每日一句學英文 - Daily English 英檢,多益,
1.0.220809_51 for Android
0 Reviews
Learning an English daily quote Quotes to learn grammar and pronunciation, pronunciation and provide collection Quotes vocabulary with function.
2.3.1 for Android
0 Reviews
Appreciation classic poem, relive the charm of the treasures of ancient Chinese literature, ancient literature of profound feeling!
1.21 for Android
0 Reviews
Transwhiz 發行,名師蔣志榆編著優質英語會話學習 app。用最貼近老外的說法,學最實用的口語會話,開口說一點都不難。採功能情境分類,快速達到學習目標。
生词本 - 智能复习提醒,轻松背单词,私家定制笔记本
3.1.6 for Android
0 Reviews
Picture mnemonics, spelling practice, English-Chinese dictionary, original example sentences, classified list, timed memory. Cloud backup, record real context, own word book. Intelligent reminder, scientific memory, and efficient memorization of words.
Quictionary 快词-在线英汉词典/汉英词典
2.0.0 for Android
1 Reviews
Chinese-English Translation |
1.0.27 for Android
1 Reviews
A text and voice translation software that supports Chinese and English
每日一句學英文, 正體中文版
1.32 for Android
0 Reviews
Transwhiz 發行,實用英語真人影音教學 app。每天一句輕鬆學!結合真人影音教學、每日常用片語及例句說明,搭配教師解說及發音,適合各種程度的英語學習者!
2.6.0 for Android
0 Reviews
The MeBooks English Learning Center satisfies your desire for diverse English learning in the most economical and affordable way! During the subscription period, you will have all-you-can-eat good books, including ICRT Daily News English news, movies and American dramas.
1.3 for Android
0 Reviews
The "New Era Japanese-Chinese Dictionary" has a very rich database, with real-time query function in both Chinese and Japanese languages. It contains more than 66,000 words. The example sentences of each vocabulary are perfectly presented after being reviewed by experts. False foreign requests without self-learning.