روائع ابن الجوزي
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The masterpieces and selections of the mark Ibn al-Jawzi
كيف تصبح عداء سريع
1.0 for Android
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Development in any kind of sport and even running starts with the right food
علاج الوسواس القهري نهائيا
1.0 for Android
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Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a disease of the nervous system, and it is a common disorder that affects humans
تعلم التصوير
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All you need to become a skilled photographer is good lighting, a lot of patience, a mobile smartphone,
كيفية عمل CV
1.0 for Android
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CV: It is a record of work experience, professional accomplishments,
الفصول الأربعة
1.0 for Android
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The Four Seasons is one of the phenomena of this dazzling universe, and in it it is manifested
مشروع تربية الارانب
1.0 for Android
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Rabbits are a type of pet whose meat is a source
ريادة الأعمال
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Defining a business project to start with, focus on and take risks in order to achieve a financial profit
كيف نشأ الكون
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The origin and beginning of the universe are still unknown secrets
أسباب الغش
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There are many individual causes for the problem of cheating, and researchers have identified a group
تعريف الجري الطويل
1.0 for Android
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Long distance running is considered sport.
أهمية علم الاجتماع
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Social sciences are considered one of the oldest sciences that humans researched, as it is the first method
ما هي أنواع الفطر؟
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Every mushroom expert repeats the same slogan: “Never eat mushrooms unless you distinguish their type.”
العثور على سمكة قرش بيضاء بعين
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In mid-2011 a fishing crew caught a dark-colored shark near Baja Beach
كيف تعرف العسل الطبيعي من المغ
1.0 for Android
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Honey is a sweet, natural substance that bees make from floral nectar.
أول أطفال معدلين جينيًا بتقنية
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After nearly half a year since the Chinese scientist, He Jiankui brought their first children
تعريف السعادة
1.0 for Android
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The perception and concept of happiness differs from one individual to another; However, it is a general feeling
ما هي هندسة العمليات الحيوية ؟
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Looking for (Bioprocess Engineering)
ما هي الحشرات ؟
1.0 for Android
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Insects are the largest group in the animal kingdom. Scientists estimate their number at a million
كيف تحدد سرعة الكائن من التغير
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The picture shows a sample of the skeleton of a small Asian elephant with a hard spine,