تعريف السعادة
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The perception and concept of happiness differs from one individual to another; However, it is a general feeling
هل تعلم ان الأخطبوط يمتلك ثلاث
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The octopus has three hearts, two of which pump blood to the gills, instead
جينات التوأم المتطابق .. ليست
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An identical twin is originally a single fertilized egg that contains one set
أقدم الشعب المرجانية في العالم
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A team of researchers discovered that one of the oldest coral reefs on Earth -
باحثون يطوّرون ملفًّا جينيًّا
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In a large-scale research project of the University of Medical Center (UMCH) in Medina
تعريف ألعاب القوي
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Athletics or what is also known as
العلماء يكتشفون طبقة جديدة في
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Scientists at the University of Nottingham in Britain discovered a previously unnoticed layer of the cornea.
العناكِب القافِزة
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The family of jumping spiders is the largest in the family of spiders,
ما هي ظاهرة التصحر
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The United Nations Conference on Desertification (UNCOD) defined desertification in 1977;
الشيطان الشائك
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This Australian lizard is known as the thorny devil as well as the spiny dragon
البحث التربوي
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Educational research is an activity that aims to provide knowledge through it
ما هي فوائد السفر والرحلات
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Living with a daily routine for years does not allow the mind to work or think
أهداف وسائل الاعلام والاتصال
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It is considered to follow the daily news, watch some entertainment programs, and competitions,
بحث حول وظيفة تسيير الموارد ال
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Each company is distinguished by its own policy and culture that includes values and visions
أهداف ادارة المعرفة
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Knowledge management works to make knowledge, information, and data available and secure,
كائنات فضائية
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After astronomers announced their discovery of a new planet that resembles its characteristics to some extent
أهم بنود عقد الشراكة
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The percentage of each person from the partnership and the profits must be mentioned, and whether it is
تطبيقات علم البيانات
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Data science has had a huge impact on all applications. Many industries
غاز الأوزون
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The oxygen molecule (O) produced by the union of two oxygen atoms diffuses into the atmosphere
ما هو الجسيم المركزي في الخلية
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Definition of a central particle (centrosomes)