الشيخ محمد يحيى الشرقاوي
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Recitation of the Noble Qur’an by Muhammad Yahya al-Sharqawi, and intonation of the Holy Qur’an by Muhammad Yahya al-Sharqawi
نونية القحطاني فارس عباد
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Nouniya Al-Qahtani, voiced by Sheikh Faris Abbad, with Nouniya Ibn Al-Qayyim, voiced by Fares Abbad
Al Fateh Muhammad Al Zubair
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Muhammed Al Zubair, quran , tranquility in the Koran of muhammed al zubair
Quran Ibrahim Al Jibreen
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ibrahim al jibreen , splendor and tranquility in the Koran of ibrahim al jibreen
القران كامل رمضان شكور
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The reader Ramadan Shakur, the Noble Qur’an, warmth, luxury and tranquility in the recitation of Sheikh Ramadan Shakur
قران الشيخ عبد المنعم الطوخي
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The Holy Quran by Sheikh Abdel Moneim Al-Toukhi. Tajweed of the Holy Quran in the voice of Abdel Moneim Al-Toukhi
القران كامل بصوت خالد المهنا
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Reader Khaled Suleiman Al-Muhanna Listen and download Khaled Suleiman Al-Muhanna’s recitations in his humble voice
القران بصوت راغب مصطفى غلوش
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Sheikh Ragheb Mustafa Ghaloush humble recitations and concerts by Sheikh Ragheb Mustafa Ghaloush with his soulful voice
القارئ حامد شاكر نجاد
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Reader Hamid Shaker Warmth and reassurance in reciting the Qur’an in the voice of Sheikh Hamid Shaker Nejad
قران كامل بصوت شعبان الصياد
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Sheikh Shaaban Al-Sayyad’s intonation and performance are extremely luxurious with Shaaban Al-Sayyad’s recitations in his humble voice
القارئ اسامه زهري
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Reciter Osama Zuhri is Pakistani, the warmth of the voice, luxury and tranquility in the recitations of Osama Zuhri
القارئ مصطفى مهدي قران كريم
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The Noble Qur’an reciter Mustafa Mahdi, the splendor of the performance and the splendor of the Noble Qur’an, with the voice of Mustafa Mahdi
قران كامل مصطفى اللاهوني بدون
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Reciter Mustafa Al-Lahouni, complete Quran, strong performance and distinctive voice in Mustafa Al-Lahouni’s recitations
دعاء سورة يس | اسرار سورة يس
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The supplication of Surat Yasin is written, the supplication of Surat Yasin to meet needs, and the treasures and secrets of Surat Yasin
قران كامل طارق عبد الغني دعوب
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Tariq Abdul Ghani Daoub, the warmth of sound, luxury and tranquility in the recitations of Tariq Abdul Ghani Daoub
احمد حيدر رمضان تلاوة القران
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Reciter Ahmed Haider Ramadan, beauty, splendor and luxury in reciting the Qur’an in the voice of Ahmed Haider Ramadan
تلاوة الشيخ عبداللطيف العوض
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Sheikh Abdul Latif Al-Awad Warmth, comfort and reassurance in the recitations of Sheikh Abdul Latif Al-Awad
الشيخ محمد احمد شبيب
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Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad Shabib Immortal voices from the masterpieces of the beautiful time, the Qur’an of Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad Shabib
قران كامل بصوت حجاج الهنداوي
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Sheikh Hajjaj Al-Hindawi intonation of the Noble Qur’an The magnificence of humbled recitation Hajjaj Al-Hindawi intonation
القران كامل بصوت انس جلهوم
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The Holy Qur’an in the voice of Anas Jalhoum, warmth, elegance and reassurance in the recitations of the reader Anas Jalhoum