تنمية الحساب الذهني السريع
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The development of rapid mental arithmetic, as the book helps to increase the speed of calculating equations
كتاب كيف تمسك بزمام القوة
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The book How to Take Power is an Attempt to Summarize Three Thousand Years of Human History
Fun With A Pencil
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Fun With A Pencil: How Everybody Can Easily Learn to Draw
كتاب سايكلوجية الرجل والمرأة
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The Psychology of Man and Woman is the latest scientific study on marital problems and ways to solve them
نزهة المشتاق فى اختراق الآفاق
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The longing to penetrate the horizons This book is considered a geographical encyclopedia of the world in the 12th century
كتاب لا تهتم بصغائر الأمور
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Don't Mind the Small Things Simple ways to stop the little things from controlling our lives
بدائع الزهور فى وقائع الدهور
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The beauty of flowers in the facts of the ages The book narrates the principle of the creation of Adam, peace be upon him
كتاب الفرج بعد الشدة
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The book of relief after distress, the book is a detailed explanation for one of it, which includes the interpretation of the verses of relief and distance from pessimism
كتاب ملحمة كلكامش
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The Epic of Gilgamesh is the civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Nile Valley
كتاب النحو الوافي
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A complete grammar book is one of the books on morphology and grammar, and it is the pillar of Arabic sciences
كتاب الشعر والشعراء
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The Book of Poetry and Poets included 206 translations, which began with Imru’ al-Qays and lengthened his words
فن التحدث مع الآخرين بلباقة
6 for Android
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The Art of Talking to Others Tactfully Outstanding speaking skills are the way to successful leadership
أغنية سلامة وسلمها سليم
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Salama's song, delivered by Selim, a song by the Palestinian artist, Mohamed Abu Al-Kayed, without the Internet
سلسلة ما وراء الطبيعة
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The Supernatural series is the first series of writer Ahmed Khaled Tawfik, and is one of his most famous works
الأعمال الكاملة محمود درويش
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The Complete Works Mahmoud Darwish is one of the most important Palestinian poets whose name is associated with the poetry of the revolution
كتاب مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية
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The Maqasid al-Shari`ah is a book that has been composed of three parts
تاريخ ابن خلدون
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The History of Ibn Khaldun Ibn Khaldun did not express the traditional writing of history
أغنية ستو انا
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The song "Stu Ana" is a group of Akram Hosni songs in high quality without the Internet
كتاب تحليل الشخصيات
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Character Analysis Book This book deals with navigating the human characters
رواية عشقني عفريت من الجن
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The novel I Loved a Demon from the Jinn is a beautiful novel in its strangeness that carries a lot of accelerating events