دعاء الانبياء من القرآن
2 for Android
0 Reviews
A collection of supplications of the prophets and messengers, peace be upon them all, mentioned in the Holy Qur’an
أدعية طواف الكعبة
2 for Android
0 Reviews
Popular and recommended supplications when circumambulating the Holy Kaaba
الأخلاق بالقرآن والسنة النبوية
2 for Android
0 Reviews
Ethics in the Prophet’s hadiths, Qur’anic verses about morals in Islam
عبارات اليوم الوطني السعودي
2 for Android
0 Reviews
Poetry, short phrases, and congratulatory words for the Saudi National Day
عبارات عن الدين قصيرة
1 for Android
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A collection of beautiful Islamic phrases and sayings
اسماء أنواع السمك للأكل
1 for Android
0 Reviews
Names of fish and its edible types, frying fish or grilling it, and the benefits of fish for human health
صلاة الجنازة وفضلها
2 for Android
0 Reviews
Definition of funeral prayer and its ruling, the virtue of funeral prayer and its method, advice for everyone who is heedless of the remembrance of God
مناسك العمرة بالترتيب
2 for Android
0 Reviews
What is Umrah and its conditions, how to perform Umrah rituals, its recommended Sunnahs and its advantages for a Muslim?
عجائب ليلة القدر
2 for Android
0 Reviews
Wonders and signs of Laylat al-Qadr, recommended deeds and supplications, and their great benefits to God Almighty
فضل صلاة الضحى وكيفيتها
2 for Android
0 Reviews
The virtues of Duha prayer and its time, how to pray Duha prayer and its legal ruling
فضل الصلاة على النبي وصيغتها
2 for Android
0 Reviews
The virtue of praying for the Prophet and its times, the correct prayer formulas and beautiful phrases for praying for him
دعاء استفتاح الصلاة
1 for Android
0 Reviews
Forms of the opening supplication and its time, ruling on the opening supplication and its virtues
واجبات الصلاة وسننها
2 for Android
0 Reviews
The duties of prayer and the Sunnahs of verbal and actual prayer for the worshiper
بطاقات صباح الخير
1 for Android
0 Reviews
Morning greetings, pictures of good morning cards and written morning phrases
Petra jordan images
1 for Android
0 Reviews
Images of Petra, the rose city in Jordan
خلفيات اسلامية مميزة
1 for Android
0 Reviews
A collection of wonderful and varied Islamic and religious wallpapers for your phone
صلاة الاستسقاء وكيفيتها
5 for Android
0 Reviews
Definition of the rain prayer, the ruling and method of performing the rain prayer, the Sunnahs of the rain prayer and its supplication
دعاء المغفرة والتوبة
1 for Android
0 Reviews
Prayers of repentance, prayers for forgiveness from God, conditions and signs of accepting repentance and forgiveness from God
خلفيات طيور للموبايل
1 for Android
0 Reviews
Many backgrounds of colorful birds, ornamental birds and other forms of beautiful birds
بر الوالدين في الاسلام
1 for Android
0 Reviews
Definition of righteousness and obedience to parents, its wisdom, and how to take care of parents and its virtue