7.20.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Quickly break the balloons in the correct order to complete the English sentence!
Easy master of typical English grammar to study in junior high school and high school English with this one app!
Habit: Daily routine tracker
1.6.2 for Android
0 Reviews
Build healthy habits with goal tracker and streaks. Stay motivated!
7.25.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Let's study basic English words for junior high school English! An English word learning app that is perfect for studying for exams in the first and second years of junior high school and studying for exams in the third year of junior high school.
3.17.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Junior high school mathematics, high school mathematics important formula quickly confirmed!
Commentary on how to remember · usage etc. is also useful!
勉強時間管理3 -勉強の計画と記録
1.3.0 for Android
0 Reviews
"Study time management 3" is an application that makes a study plan, records the study time, and displays it on a graph.
We also have useful tools such as widgets and timers to support your study.
7.34.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Perfect for junior high school mathematics, mathematics tests, and mathematics tests.
From reviewing fractions, decimals, and units, to equations, square roots, and simple word problems, challenge your math skills!
7.20.0 for Android
0 Reviews
600 Japanese grammar questions. This one app covers the entire range of junior high school Japanese textbooks. Perfect for regular tests, high school entrance exams, college entrance exams, short essays, and studying honorifics!
7.15.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Complete recording of important basics of Japanese history. In addition, even exercises are recorded! The ultimate Japanese history app that is perfect for solidifying the basics of regular tests, common tests, and secondary exams!
7.15.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Complete collection of important basics of world history. Also includes practice problems! The ultimate world history app that is perfect for consolidating the basics of regular tests, common tests, and secondary exams!
理科テスト対策 基礎問題中学1年
2.3.4 for Android
0 Reviews
Perfect basic problem in learning app all the questions with explanations of the textbook of choice for test preparation of the junior high school science
4.64.0 for Android
0 Reviews
1000 important basic problems in 4 practical skills (health and physical education, technical home, art, music) studied in junior high school!
Perfect for junior high school students' exam preparation!
1.58 for Android
0 Reviews
英検®ゼミ 無料!リスニング対応・英語検定問題集
2.76.0 for Android
0 Reviews
スペルで覚える英単語 中1編
1.4.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Celebration 400,000 downloads! Are there any words that are spelled out of the blue? Let's completely conquer the English words learned in the first grade of junior high school! Perfect reading with pronunciation function. Completely free English word memorization app
毎日のドリル 勉強が楽しくどんどん進む!
2.2.4 for Android
0 Reviews
Study management app for elementary school students dedicated to the Gakken "Daily Drill" series. Drills go on and on and learning habits are fun.
百人一首 簡単に暗記
3.1.9 for Android
0 Reviews
7.27.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Soup stock, murmuring, sea pigs, fragile, young people, cold tofu, catch, offset, general purpose...
1420 brain training kanji tests that look like they can be read, but are embarrassing if you make a mistake!
1.0.67 for Android
0 Reviews
完全無料の英単語学習アプリ。TOEIC受験、大学入試、英語学習におすすめ。英単語 10000 語以上収録。学習すればするほど、自分専用の単語帳に。
高校入試対策アプリ 中学英語・中学数学・中学社会
7.27.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Come out often! Check important basic problems of English, mathematics, and society with this one app!
A must-see for junior high school students! The target problem comes with a commentary on the points necessary for high school entrance exams and high school exams!
学研『ランク順 入試』
2.2.006 for Android
0 Reviews
This is a supplementary teaching material that allows you to review the contents of the "Rank Order" series of study reference books for junior high school to high school students currently on sale at bookstores in a quiz format.