1.7.86 for Android
0 Reviews
School only mobile communications app Republic of Korea representative, school friends!
"School friends" parents - Replace communication channels between school
전자문제집 CBT(최강 자격증 기출문제)
1.19 for Android
0 Reviews
각종 자격증 기출문제를 컴퓨터를 이용하여 풀기(해설, 자동채점, 오답노트, 모의고사, 틀린문제 모아풀기)
ETS 토익기출 수험서
2.2.11 for Android
0 Reviews
A mobile learning platform exclusively for ETS TOEIC L&R S&W exam books created by TOEIC organizer & exclusive publisher of previous questions, YBM!
아주대학교 모바일 포탈
1.0.10 for Android
0 Reviews
This application provides a portal service of Ajou University.
컴퓨터활용능력 1급
1.4.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Computer literacy is an essential app for the first-class study. Try learning by computer, ordinary, plain spreadsheet, database, including general courses.
컴퓨터활용능력 2급
1.4.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Computer literacy is an essential app for second grade study skills.General ComputersTry studied by spreadsheets such as general subjects.
1.4.0 for Android
0 Reviews
This app is essential for electrical engineer study.Study electromagnetics, power engineering, electrical devices, circuit theory and control engineering.
1.4.0 for Android
0 Reviews
산업안전기사 공부를 위한 필수 앱 입니다.안전관리론, 인간공학 및 시스템안전공학, 기계위험방지기술 전기위험방지기술등 과목별로 공부 해 보세요.
2.19 for Android
0 Reviews
THEBAEOOM APPDownload the benefits and convenience of apps
조리 기능사
1.4.0 for Android
0 Reviews
It is an essential app for studying cooking craftsman.Food hygiene and lawsFood ScienceCooking theory and costingStudy in subjects such as public health.
조경 기능사
1.4.0 for Android
0 Reviews
The essential app for studying landscape technicians.General LandscapeLandscaping materialsStudy by subject such as landscaping construction and management.
1.4.0 for Android
0 Reviews
It is an essential app for studying.General ChemistryFire Prevention and ExtinguishingStudy subjects such as the nature and handling of dangerous goods.
경기과학기술대학교 스마트캠퍼스
1.3.3 for Android
0 Reviews
The applications for students and staff to provide the game University of Science and Technology.
1.4.0 for Android
0 Reviews
건설안전기사 공부를 위한 필수 앱 입니다.
산업심리 및 교육
건설안전기술등 과목별로 공부 해 보세요
1.4.0 for Android
0 Reviews
소방설비기사(전기) 공부를 위한 필수 앱 입니다.소방원론소방전기회로소방관계법규소방전기시설의 구조 및 원리등 과목별로 공부 해 보세요.
1.4.0 for Android
0 Reviews
It is an app for studying aviation industry articles.
Study by subjects such as aeronautics, aerospace, aviation, and aeronautical equipment.
1.4.0 for Android
0 Reviews
전기산업기사 공부를 위한 필수 앱 입니다.전기자기학전력공학전기기기회로이론전기설비기술기준 및 판단기준등 과목별로 공부 해 보세요
1.4.0 for Android
0 Reviews
산업안전산업기사 공부를 위한 필수 앱 입니다.산업안전관리론, 인간공학 및 시스템안전공학, 기계위험방지기술 등 과목별로 공부 해 보세요.
1.4.0 for Android
0 Reviews
The essential app for studying gas technician.Gas SafetyGas and devicesTry to study by subject, such as regular gas.
주택관리사 1차 자격증 기출문제 모의고사
1.0.1 for Android
0 Reviews
The latest exams in 2019 Free mock-ups give you an easy way to keep track of your scores and learn what you're learning.