أذكار بعد الصلاة
5 for Android
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Remembrances after the prayer: It is an expression of remembrance after the prayer imposed in the form of remembrances after the prayer
أنواع الحمام
6 for Android
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Types of pigeons: for everyone who loves to raise pigeons of all kinds, with the application of pigeon types
أركان الإسلام
6 for Android
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Pillars of Islam: It is incumbent upon every Muslim to know the Five Pillars of Islam
من قال لا اله الا الله
5 for Android
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Whoever said there is no god but God: The application tells about the greatness of saying who said there is no god but God
الطلاق وأنواعه
5 for Android
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Divorce and its types: For every couple, we ask you to familiarize yourself with the application of divorce and its types
ازالة الشعر نهائيا من الجسم
6 for Android
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Permanent hair removal from the body: It is possible to apply permanent hair removal from the body to solve the problem
ايات لجلب الحظ
6 for Android
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Ayat to bring good luck: Many people encounter bad luck, so download the Ayat application to bring good luck
أبيات شعر عن الأخ
6 for Android
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Poetry verses about the brother: For the greatness of the sisters, now download the application of verses about the brother
ما هي البدعة
5 for Android
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What is heresy: many things about heresies and other similarities in what is heresy
قصة سيدنا سليمان
5 for Android
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The story of our master Solomon: the most beautiful stories full of lessons and meanings in the application of the story of our master Solomon
الاسراء والمعراج
4 for Android
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Al-Isra and Al-Miraj: It is considered one of the greatest miracles of the Messenger of God, which is the journey of Al-Isra and Al-Miraj
وصايا الرسول بالنساء
4 for Android
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The Prophet’s commandments to women: It deals with the importance of women in our lives and the most important commandments of the Messenger to women
معنى السلام عليكم
4 for Android
0 Reviews
The meaning of peace be upon you: In this interesting application, we will discuss the meaning of peace be upon you
كم عدد الكتب السماوية
4 for Android
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How many heavenly books: we will learn about the number of suffocating in how many heavenly books
أبيات شعرية عن بر الوالدين
5 for Android
0 Reviews
Poetic verses about honoring one's parents: A lack of gratitude and grace in verses about honoring one's parents
قصص قصيرة عن الصدق
6 for Android
0 Reviews
Short stories about honesty: To raise children well, download the application of short stories about honesty
أحكام الصيام (سؤال وجواب)
4 for Android
0 Reviews
Rulings on fasting (question and answer): We will review together some of the rulings on fasting (question and answer)
ادعية لإنجاب مولود ذكر
7 for Android
0 Reviews
Duas for having a male baby: In this application, we get to know together the most important supplications for having a male baby
قصة سيدنا يوسف
5 for Android
0 Reviews
The story of our master Yusuf: because it is one of the stories of the Qur’an that is full of sermons in the application of the story of our master Yusuf
شعر فى حب رسول الله
7 for Android
0 Reviews
Poetry in love with the Messenger of God: To all the Islamic nation, an application of poetry in love with the Messenger of God