Hai keplerians, i love your games and being a good gamer of your games i would like to give you some feedback for evil nun. I know that evil nun is very famous game but there are some games like - granny, requiem for erich sann, evil kid, goosebumps the night of scares etc which gives a tough competition to evil nun.so my feedback will help you to overcome these games and gain more popularity.
1.i brought a new puzzle for your game. The name of this puzzle is "the aquarium challange". For this puzzle you have to design a new room (upto the size of basketball court of evil.nun). In this room there will be a huge transparent glass aqurium and in this there will be a mask piece somewhere but to enter this aqurium we need to collect 3 swimming suit part that are - main body jacket with gas cylinder,swimming suit pant with frog limb structureand face cover.this all will be crafted by crafterboy into swimming suit . Using this suit we have to enter into aqurium.and search for mask piece( there should be some obsticles in aqurium like small fishes and aquatic plants to give real sence of underwater example like ocean ).
2. Like windows there should be some other decorates like small aquarium in school.
so,i hope you liked my idea so please reply and if you want some more ideas so i am always ready for it. I have one more puzzle and more ideas. So i will wait for your positive reply. And if you want some ideas for mr. Meat then also i am ready. And i know it will be some what difficult for you but "try and try but never cry " thank you.