Overall a very good football game considering the platform it's on.
- Overdrive mode is great fun, especially if you're impatient. It's fast paced, and matches only last 3 minutes, so you don't have to set aside time to be able to play a match.
- Plenty of opportunities to earn special currencies and earn new players with the live events. Real money player packs aren't shoved down your throat.
- This game doesn't have any kind of life system (where you play a game to use one "life" then have to wait to recharge) typical of most free mobile games, which was a pleasant surprise.
- Graphics are good, again, considering that this is a mobile game. You'll likely see two of the same player standing side by side occasionally, but this is excusable considering they couldn't have made the graphics detailed enough to make the players recognizable.
- Except for in extreme cases, even if a player has a much higher power rating than you you still have a chance to beat them in Overdrive mode, which further emphasizes strategy over pocket warrioring.
- As with any card based sports game, some of the difficulty feels very forced, such as receivers/corners dropping passes thrown staright to them. This is much more prevalent with defenders than with receivers.
- This is an alwaysaonline game, which led to some problems with getting server errors. It doesn't disconnect me, it just shows network errors for no reason.
- Controls. You tap on players to pass to them, which means if you run any kind of cross routs and try to pass up the middle you will almost certainly pass to the wrong person. This can again be attributed to device limitations. What I don't understand is that there is no way for you to stand still. This doesn't effect you much in Overdrive matches, but it can make certain live event challanges unnecessary difficult.