Rabbit, go right! by PixBlocksDev
Nov 19, 2020 Old Versions

About Rabbit, go right!

Rabbit, go right! - Welcome to the world of voracious programmer rabbits.

Rabbit, go right! is a game that develops programming imagination. The solution to a task in the game is a program that is performed by a moving rabbit. A well-written program will lead the rabbit to the carrots. All the carrots eaten by the rabbit confirm that the created program is correct. The principles of interaction between the rabbit and other elements reflect the basic concepts that are used in modern computer science: loops - repeatedly bouncing from opposite platforms conditional instructions - for example: if a rabbit eats a key, open the padlocks variable - position of the rabbit, direction to the right or left data structures - movable elements lying on top of each other Movable parts:

- Carrots

- Red portals

- Blue portals

- Green portals

- Blue key

- Red key

- Arrows

- Balls Fixed elements:

- Plant tops

- Plant branching

- Plant arches

- Plant stems

- Blue padlocks

- Red padlocks

- Platforms

The rules:

Drying out of plants

Plants can only grow from the grass on platforms and padlocks. Plants without roots dry out immediately after the rabbit's move and are removed from the board.

Gravity or falling

Each movable element with an empty space below it must be moved down one space. If several fields are empty, the movable element should be moved down to the nearest used field. If there are only empty spaces under the movable element, remove it from the board.

Empty field

If there is an empty space in front of the rabbit, the rabbit may "jump" onto that space. However, you must remember about gravity.


The rabbit eats the carrot in front of it when it occupies its field. The rest of the adjacent carrots are subject to the force of gravity.


The rabbit eats any plant directly in front of it when it occupies its field. However, one must remember the principle of withering plants and gravity.


Eating the arrow causes the rabbit to move in the same direction as the arrow was pointing. The arrow may point only to the left or right.


Eating a key removes all padlocks of the same color as the eaten key from the board. However, you must remember the principle of gravity.


Eating a portal moves the rabbit to the place of the second portal of the same color as the eaten portal. Both portals disappear from the board. After teleporting, the rabbit's direction remains unchanged. If, after eating a portal, it has another portal of the same color on the board, the rabbit loses a life.


Obstacles include platforms and padlocks. The rabbit bounces off them and changes direction. Ball The rabbit may move the ball in front of him to the next square, taking the place on which the ball was placed.

What's New in the Latest Version

Last updated on Nov 19, 2020
- dodano spójne przejścia pomiędzy panelami menu
- dopasowano UI do różnych proporcji ekranu
- poprawiono drobne błędy
- dodano nowe poziomy
- rozbudowano sekcję tutorial
- poprawiono błędy mechaniki roślin

Additional Game Information

Latest Version

Uploaded by

Seed Ahmed Khairy

Requires Android

Android 4.4+

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Games like Rabbit, go right!
