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Maltese dizzjunarju Ingliż icon

1.27 by Dictionary creator

Oct 1, 2024

About Maltese dizzjunarju Ingliż

English Maltese dictionary - Ingliż Malti aħjar dizzjunarju

User will be satisfied with this Maltese - English dictionary because:

- It has the largest vocabulary

- Detail description for each word and a lot of samples

- Simple UI & high performance make you feel easy when using

* Full support pronunciation for both English and Maltese will help you so much in study these languages.

(This application can run in offline mode but need the internet connection for the pronunciation and web browser functions.)

Please setup the Maltese keyboard before using this app

This free dict works well in all android devices including mobile and tablet, it is very useful for all kinds of people although in offline environment.

- For student, pupil or researcher, this app is the largest thesaurus help them make the deeply investigation in each words and phrases including idiom, slang, noun, verb, adjective, adverb...

The largest vocabulary and lexicon will help people find all special words in all branch; medicine, medicinal, math, chemical, horoscope, biology, aetiology, physics, physiology…

- For the English learners, this is the perfect tool to improve your lexicon, idiolect and grammar skill by so many detailed examples and conjugation supported.

This dictionary has all the advantages of other dicts so It will help you improve skills in speaking, writing, reading, listening, conversation and well prepare for the tests such as TOEFL, IELTS...

- For the translator or interpreter, this tool will give you quickly the good translation and also the pronunciation of both languages by only one tap.

- This is also the indispensable tool for travelers, with this dict in your mobile you can finish the journey in anywhere in Malta without any communication problem with Maltese people.

Good luck and merry using my product :)

Utent tkun sodisfatt ma 'dan Malti - Ingliż dizzjunarju minħabba li:

- Huwa għandu l-ikbar vokabularju

- Deskrizzjoni Dettall għal kull kelma u ħafna ta ' kampjuni

- User interface sempliċi u l-prestazzjoni għolja jġiegħlek tħossok faċli meta jużaw

* Pronunzja Appoġġ sħiħ għall kemm bl-Ingliż u bil-Malti se jgħinek tant fl-istudju f'dawn il-lingwi .

( Din l-applikazzjoni tista 'taħdem fil-modalità offline iżda jeħtieġu l- konnessjoni bl-internet għall- pronunzja u web browser funzjonijiet. )

Jekk jogħġbok setup l- keyboard Maltija qabel ma tuża din l-applikazzjoni

Dan ħieles dizzjunarju jaħdem tajjeb fl-apparat android kollha inklużi mobbli u pillola , huwa utli ħafna għat -tipi kollha ta 'nies għalkemm fl-ambjent offline .

- Għall student , student jew riċerkatur , dan app hija l-akbar Teżawru tgħinhom jagħmlu l-investigazzjoni fil-fond f'kull kliem u frażijiet inklużi idiom , slang , nom, verb , aġġettiv , avverbju ...

L-akbar vokabularju u lessiku se tgħin lin-nies isibu kliem speċjali kollha fl- fergħa;

- Għall -istudenti Ingliż , dan huwa l-għodda perfetta biex itejbu lessiku tiegħek , idiolect u l-ħila grammatika minn tant eżempji dettaljati u konjugazzjoni appoġġjati .

Dan id-dizzjunarju għandha l- vantaġġi ta ' dicts oħra sabiex Dan ser jgħinek jtejbu l-ħiliet taħdit , kitba , qari , jisimgħu , konverżazzjoni u sew jippreparaw għat-testijiet bħal TOEFL , IELTS ...

- Għall -traduttur jew interpretu , din l-għodda se jtik malajr il traduzzjoni tajba u wkoll il- pronunzja ta ' żewġ lingwi minn waħda biss vit .

- Din hija wkoll l-għodda indispensabbli għall-vjaġġaturi , ma 'dan il dict fil-mowbajl tiegħek inti tista' finitura -vjaġġ kullimkien f'Malta mingħajr ebda problema komunikazzjoni ma 'nies Maltin .

Xorti tajba u Merry użu tal-prodott tiegħi :)

What's New in the Latest Version 1.27

Last updated on Oct 1, 2024

Minor bug fixes and improvements. Install or update to the newest version to check it out!

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Additional APP Information

Latest Version

Request Maltese dizzjunarju Ingliż Update 1.27

Uploaded by

Hamid Zigzag

Requires Android

Android 6.0+

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