This deck of cards will teach you to choose always the right decision.
Number of cards: 17
Decision is what turns the idea into reality. Decision is a certain state of mind; it’s when you take an idea and move on to the process of its realization. Or vice versa, you understand that the idea is not good and forget about it. Decision determines if the idea will live in your mind or not. And as our life is the result of our thoughts, you have to understand why decisions are so important. Positive decisions (accepting the idea) change our lives in a good or bad way. Negative decisions (rejecting the idea) don’t change our life. How will you change your life if let’s suppose a better job would be offered to you, and you would reject it because of certain circumstances? Nothing will change. Everything will remain as it was! But if you accept the offer, something will change in your life. Positive decisions are the beginning of changes.
What is decision?
Persistence – key to success
Overcome your uncertainty
Stop postponing things
How to take decisions