Easy to use guide how to make Chinese self-massage to keep & improve your health
At the moment ONLY English version of application is available. Italian localization is in plan. If you can help to make correct translation feel free to contact developer using the web-link to support form on this page.
"Auto massaggio per la Salute Sessuale" is the Italian localization of "Self Massage for Sex Health". It is easy to use illustrated guide how to make Chinese self-massage to improve human sex health.
Self-massage therapy has a long history in China. It combines massage manipulations, breathing exercises, and mental relaxation, concentration, and visualization to maximize and restore health to the human body.
Chinese self-massage can most definitely play an important role in enhancing immunity and treating disease.
App contains description of massage steps for the 10 situations:
1.Enhancing Desire;
2.Impotence (men);
3.Premature Ejaculation;
4.Chronic Prostatitis;
5.Irregular Menstruation;
6.Pain During Menstruation;
8.Pelvic Inflammatory Disease;
9.Abnormal Vaginal Discharge;
Chinese self-massage may also be used as part of an overall treatment plan for the remedying of particular diseases. Chinese self-massage can be successfully combined with modern Western medicine, chiropractic, homeopathic, and naturopathic medicines.
Attention! Patients should always consult with a licensed health care professional before using self-massage or any other form of health care!