Questa è una versione ricercabile dell'ultimo DOT emesso dal dipartimento statunitense del lavoro
DOT for Android assists job seekers, employers, educational and training institutions, researchers and others by detailing tasks performed, educational requirements, and skills needed for more than 12,000 types of jobs.
It is an electronic version of the complete, 1,300-page, 2-volume DOT issued by the U.S. Dept. of Labor before they switched to the O*Net.
I has a search function that can locate any of the 28,800 job titles.
You can browse for groups and tap a group to go to successive levels of sub-groupings.
Search the DOT index using any alphanumeric string to locate job(s) by DOT code or a portion of one, or to find the code for any job title containing a word, phrase or portion of a word of your choice.
You can also browse and use Android functionality to copy, paste, translate and share with others or send to a printer.