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Heart Of Darkness icon

21.0 by Tara ebooks

Jul 15, 2022

About Heart Of Darkness

full ebook and audiobook "Heart Of Darkness" best ebook reader

Conrad offers parallels between London ("the greatest town on earth") and Africa as places of darkness. Central to Conrad's work is the idea that there is little difference between "civilized people" and "savages." Heart of Darkness implicitly comments on imperialism and racism.

The content of the Heart of Darkness:-


Bibliography of Translations

Glossary of Proper Names

List of Words and Phrases not in General Use xviii

The Life and Death of Scyld

Scyld’s Successors

Hrothgar’s Great Mead-Hall

Grendel, the Murderer

Beowulf goes to Hrothgar’s Assistance

The Geats Reach Heorot

Beowulf Introduces Himself at the Palace

Hrothgar and Beowulf

Hrothgar and Beowulf (continued)

Unferth Taunts Beowulf

Beowulf Silences Unferth

Glee is High

All Sleep save One

Grendel and Beowulf

Grendel is Vanquished

The rejoicing of the Danes

Hrothgar’s Gratitude

Hrothgar Lavishes Gifts upon his Deliverer

Banquet (continued)

The Scop’s Song of Finn and Hnæf

The Finn Episode (continued)

The Banquet Continues

Beowulf Receives Further Honor

The Mother of Grendel

Hrothgar’s Account of the Monsters

Beowulf Seeks Grendel’s Mother

Beowulf’s fight with Grendel’s Mother

Beowulf is Double-Conqueror

Beowulf Brings his Trophies

Hrothgar’s Gratitude

Hrothgar Moralizes

Rest after Labor

Sorrow at Parting

The Homeward Journey

The Two Queens

Beowulf and Higelac

Beowulf Narrates his Adventures to Higelac

Gift-Giving is Mutual

The Hoard and the Dragon

Brave Though Aged


Beowulf Seeks the Dragon

Beowulf’s Reminiscences

Reminiscences (continued)

Beowulf’s Last Battle

Wiglaf the Trusty

Beowulf is Deserted by Friends and by Sword

The Fatal Struggle

Beowulf’s Last Moments

Wiglaf Plunders the Dragon’s Den

Beowulf’s Death

The Dead Foes

Wiglaf’s Bitter Taunts

The Messenger of Death

The Messenger’s Retrospect

Wiglaf’s Sad Story

The Hoard Carried Off

The Burning of Beowulf


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2.epub file in assets

3.save your favorite chapters



6.read in night or day

7. black and white background for easy reading

8.diffrent font size and type

9.zoom in zoom out

10.audio book for listening

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What's New in the Latest Version 21.0

Last updated on Jul 15, 2022

Minor bug fixes and improvements. Install or update to the newest version to check it out!

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