
For Popular Novel

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About HandyNovel

HandyNovel, the palm library of countless popular online novels.

Have you ever stayed up late because you were chasing a novel? Have you searched around to find your favorite novel? Now, you just need our HandyNovel to solve all the troubles!

HandyNovel has a professional editorial team, carefully checking the quality of each novel; we have a huge inventory of novels, which will never let you feel book shortages!

Why choose HandyNovel?

We have a full range of novels, including Romance, CEO, Werewolf, Adventure, etc., whether you are an adventurer who likes to explore the unknown world, or a reader who is fond of romantic love stories, you will be able to find your favorite books here!

We also provide you with a personalized recommendation service. Based on your reading preferences and history, we will recommend the most suitable novels for you, so that you can find your favorite works faster.

We also provide you with a platform for book reviews and reader exchanges, so that you can share your experience and feelings with other readers, and discuss the charm of the work together.

Our popular list is updated daily, so that you can get rid of the book shortage and read one book after another!

In addition, we also provide offline downloads, update tips and other thoughtful services, so you can enjoy exciting reading anytime, anywhere.

HandyNovel, your online novel store, opens up a marvelous reading world for you. Come join us and explore the infinite possibilities with us! Let our novels accompany your every moment!

What's New in the Latest Version 3.1.1

Last updated on Feb 17, 2024
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Curdt Joshua Gonzales

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Android 6.0+

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HandyNovel - For Popular Novel


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