Tasker Plugin that can read information about Android Settings
Tasker Plugin that can read information about Android Settings
GSFT, as an optional Tasker plugin, gives possibility to read information about Android Settings.
CyanogenMod supported
Why you need this application?!
When Tasker task runs you want to know whether specific preference is enabled. For example. Is USB debug enabled? To find out you need just retreive a value of system preference named adb_enabled. It will contain one of the flags 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).
You can also retreive device-specific setting. For example, preference named psm_switch on Samsung Galaxy Note II contains state of power saving mode.
In plugin settings... all you need is to enter:
• preference name to retreive;
• Tasker variable name to store preference value (or keep empty to use variable %settings_value)
You can test if entered preference name is true. Use button Test setting.
But if you doubt true preference name, you can pick it from all system-level preference data in one of these sets.
• System;
• Secure;
• Global (Android 4.2+)
You don't need to know a set, what preference belongs to. Just enter preference name. Plugin will search it for you.