DoseVet - Allometric Dose Scaling Calculator for veterinary use.
DoseVet is a tool to calculate dosage of drugs for veterinary. This tool is using an allometric dose scaling theory.
It is used to calculate a dosage of a drug formulated for an administration animal group to an animal of another group.
For example, you can calculate the dosage of a drug formulated for humans administration to a dog.
- Calculate drug dosages using the theory allometric dose scaling;
- Calculate linear drug dosages;
- Register of drugs for quick use;
- History of recent drugs calculations performed;
- Sharing results via text (SMS, Email, Chat, Whatsapp, ...).
Terms and Observations:
- DoseVet is only for veterinary use;
- The calculated dosages are estimated from allometric dose scaling theory. DoseVet does not guarantee results / effectiveness of applications using the application;
- DoseVet is not responsible (any way) for the administration of drugs, even using the calculated dosages. The mathematical formulas are taken from the veterinary literature;
- For more information about the dosage allometric dose scaling theory see the veterinary literature, such as [1], [2] and [3] (Portuguese Version).
[1] PACHALY, J.R. Terapêutica por Extrapolação Alométrica. In: CUBAS, Z.S.; SILVA, J.C.R & CATÃO-DIAS, J.L. (Org.). Tratado de Animais Selvagens - Medicina Veterinária. 1 ed. São Paulo: Roca, 2006, p. 1215-1223.
[2] Pina, Alexandre Propicio de. DESENVOLVIMENTO DE FERRAMENTA DE INFORMÁTICA COMO FACILITAÇÃO DO CALCULO ALOMÉTRICO. 2010. Monografia. (Aperfeiçoamento/Especialização em ESPECIALIZAÇÃO EM CLINICA MÉDICA E CIRURGICA DE AN) - Universidade Castelo Branco. Orientador: Marcelo Seixo de Brito e Silva.
[3] Freitas, G. C. e Carregaro, A. B. Aplicabilidade da extrapolação alométrica em protocolos terapêuticos para animais selvagens. In: Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, v.43, n.2, p.297-304, fev, 2013.