Explosives Regime fines
This application does not represent a governmental entity from Romania or the European Union
The sources of the information in the application can be found free of charge in the Official Gazette (monitoruloficial.ro) or on Intralegis (www.ilegis.ro).
This app was developed independently.
Here you can find the sources used to develop the application --->https://gov.ro/ro/institutii/legislatie.
The Explosives Regime Fines application provides a quick search engine to search for:
- any contravention provided by Law no. 126 of December 27, 1995 (*republished*) regarding the regime of explosive substances*),
- any contravention provided by Decision no. 1,102 of December 10, 2014 on establishing the conditions for making pyrotechnic articles available on the market,
- any contravention provided by Decision no. no. 954 of September 27, 2001 regarding the approval of fireworks displays,
- the article that provides,
- the sanctioning article,
- the amount of the fine,
- the amount of half of the minimum fine,
- complementary measures.
If you are tired of tables and papers or want to be sure that the sanction applied is the correct one, then this is the app for you.