A must-have daily companion for Advent from Magnificat!
Welcome to the Magnificat Advent Companion App, a perfect way to experience the yearning of as you prepare for Christ’s coming anew.
Presented in a day-by-day format, the Advent Companion App contains:
– LITURGY: daily Mass, prayers, and Scripture readings
– PRAYERS: a cycle of prayers for morning, evening, and night inspired by the Liturgy of the Hours
– MEDITATION: original meditations on the daily Gospel reading by twenty gifted authors
Each year's Advent Companion offers new content and features these one-of-a-kind extras that you won't find anywhere else:
- A variety of beautiful blessings and essays
- An Advent Penance Service
- Specially-commissioned poetry
- The Advent Stations
- Praying the O Antiphons
If you like this Advent Companion App, you'll want to try the Magnificat App too!
Liturgical source: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops & ICEL.