The professional Ziwei Dou counting plate software, three generations, four modernizations, and fleeting galaxies are presented at once. Automatically determine the pattern of each house. "Life Road" 80-year life destiny curve. Friends who don't know Ziwei Doushu can also see the ups and downs of their lives.
[Bug Note] Android5 and above, Chinese characters are incompatible, and there may be problems with the display format. Will be revised in the near future.
This software is a professional Ziwei bucket counting software, made for professional Ziwei people
Mainly to assist the fate commentator to see enough complete information from the fate software
Friends who don't understand Ziwei Doushu can see the ups and downs of their lives just by looking at the curve of life.
The difference from others is:
1. "Life Road"The unique formula algorithm calculates the 80-year life destiny curve
The chart of the road of life can immediately see the total scores of the stars in each house in the past year
Users can use this chart to make life easier Interpretation of the curve of life
2. The three generations and four modernizations appear at once
3. Provide four choices of various factions (Northern School, Zhongzhou School, Ziyun)
4. Liulu, Liuyang, Liutuo, Liukui, and Liuyue of fleeting years appear at once
5. Automatically determine the pattern of each house
6. 25 records can be recorded
7. Support finger operation zoom function
Due to the large number of Android phone versions, it is not possible to support all phones, and occasionally there are program errors. Please download the free version before purchasing to confirm that it will not crash.