7.21.0 for Android
0 Reviews
600 worm-eaten kanji quizzes that seem to be solvable. Try the popular handwritten kanji quiz!
Please enjoy the bonus "Wrong Kanji Quiz" and "Disjointed Kanji Quiz"!
日本の歴史クイズ - 日本史 一問一答
7.62.0 for Android
0 Reviews
The history of Japan and keywords of Japanese history are given in a quiz format of one question and one answer. Let's challenge 430 questions in 14 eras from the Jomon period to the present day!
7.42.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Sengoku recording warlords, battle, castle, a history quiz about the old country. Aim for all the questions domination!
スマート国語辞典 - すぐ引けて、よく分かる、新しい辞書
3.37.0 for Android
0 Reviews
It's easy to read and understand very well. Please use "Smart Japanese Dictionary", a new dictionary written and developed from scratch for the app!
7.20.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Enjoy it like a game! Tap spellings in order to learn frequent English words!
All 3600 English words are recorded for each level of junior high school, high school, common test, middle school university, and difficult university!
地理一問一答 (高校地理・共通テスト地理)
7.15.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Complete collection of important basics of geography. Let's definitely master the frequently used basic terms of geography with this one app!
Please use it to solidify the foundation for regular tests, common tests, and secondary exams.
7.55.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Four-letter idioms often seen in entrance exams, Kanji exams, newspapers and books.
1000 questions from elementary school level to mania level. Aim to conquer all questions!
中学生レベルの漢字テスト - 手書き漢字勉強アプリ
7.49.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Let's challenge the Chinese character test learned in the 1st year of junior high school, the 2nd year of junior high school, and the 3rd year of junior high school!
Writing Chinese characters, reading Chinese characters, all 2925 problems!
中学理科 - 中学生の勉強アプリ
7.19.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Complete recording of important basic matters in junior high school science.
Make sure to master the important basics that frequently appear with this one app!
小学生手書き計算ドリル - はんぷく学習シリーズ
7.23.0 for Android
0 Reviews
From 1st grade to 6th grade, there are 4,000 math calculation problems learned in elementary school.
Learn the basics by practicing repeatedly in small steps!
Japanese Kanji Lookup PLUS
3.35.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Handwritten Kanji search - Let's study kanji idioms, example and pronunciation!
7.49.0 for Android
0 Reviews
The ultimate GTEC® workbook app. Compatible with GTEC Advanced. Let's solve the problem in the gap time and improve your ability!
世界の国旗クイズ - はんぷく一般常識 -
7.31.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Flag quiz for 194 countries and regions around the world. After learning the national flag, challenge the national flag guessing game in challenge mode!
Programming Beginners Quiz
7.30.0 for Android
0 Reviews
With this app, no preparation is required. Start learning programming now!
英和辞典アプリ - 発音や例文、オフライン対応の英語辞書
3.41.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Impressive searchability. Plenty of explanations and examples. The ultimate English-Japanese dictionary app that even supports pronunciation playback of example sentences!
7.20.0 for Android
0 Reviews
There are 1438 important basic questions in the four practical subjects (health and physical education, technical home, art, and music) studied in junior high school!
Perfect for junior high school exam preparation!
はじめてのTOEIC®問題集 - 単語からリスニングまで対応
7.49.1 for Android
0 Reviews
The ultimate TOEIC®test preparation app containing all 2366 questions.
After mastering your skills with practice questions, try the real-level problems!
小学生英単語1100 - はんぷく学習シリーズ
7.23.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Let's study basic English words at the elementary school level! English words with similar meanings are grouped together so that you can memorize them efficiently. Try again and again to learn English words while having fun!
The English Dictionary
3.22.0 for Android
0 Reviews
Contains 155,093 English words. Install this very useful dictionary app now!
小学校国語ドリル - 小学生の勉強・中学受験対策アプリ
7.27.1 for Android
0 Reviews
1370 questions including proverbs, idioms, vocabulary, antonyms, synonyms, synonyms, etc.!
With furigana and explanation. This one app is OK for elementary school students from 1st grade to 6th grade!