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دار الحكمه للتخاطب الناطق للصم icon

1.6 by Dr belal ramadan

Mar 16, 2020

About دار الحكمه للتخاطب الناطق للصم

The Dar Al Hekma Speech Center is pleased to present our compensatory system for the deaf and some other cases

It gives me great pleasure to present to you my new prosthetic device for the deaf and many other cases for the first time in Egypt and the Arab countries. It was implemented through self-efforts after attempts that took years since I graduated from the Faculty of Medicine until now.

And with the success of God alone, all the capabilities that you will see will be fulfilled.

There was no way for these cases to communicate with those around them, except that through the device they would be able to practice their lives and communicate with those around them naturally, God willing.

The device contains the following main parts: -

1- Converting our voices into written speech that appears on the device screen for the patient to read

2- The patient writes what he wants and turns the device into writing it into a sound we hear

3- Stored lists for the most frequently used sentences, divided into groups according to the place in which they are located, such as home - work - supermarket - street ...... for the sake of speed of response from the patient

4- An educational program for reading, writing and daily dialogues for a patient who cannot read and write

5- Store and display all daily dialogs at any time later

6- Send text messages

7- Making telephone calls

8- Communicate with other devices

An example of how to use the device in the case of a deaf person

Which will require the use of all capabilities of the device, unlike some other cases that will need only a portion of the capabilities of the device

The deaf person will write what he wants and the device will convert his writing to the voice of the person he is talking to and the device will convert the speaker's response to his book appearing on the device screen for the deaf person so that he can conduct a conversation completely and the device will help him to keep his current responses to use it again when he is exposed to the same question again

In the same way, the deaf person will be able to make even phone calls, as the device will convert the caller's words to his writing on the deaf screen and convert what the deaf writes into a voice that the caller hears

Likewise, the deaf person will be able to enter the regular schools that he is now deprived of or to enter the university, which he is forbidden to enter so that the words of the teacher or the lecturer appear as written on the deaf screen

The device will be used with the following cases: -

Deaf people who are not qualified to work as a cochlear implant for physical reasons, old age or any other reasons

Or with cochlear implant cases and did not reach the desired results from surgery for various reasons

As an aid to cochlear implant cases in the initial training stage after surgery, whereby the device can read the sounds around it, watch some daily dialogues recorded on the device, and use the program for teaching reading and writing

Cases of clots with loss of expressive capacity after regaining the ability to hand on movement after a period of physical therapy

Cases of laryngeal fissure and throat tumor eradication - the device currently available to them produces an unclear sound and a metal sound that causes them not to use the device

Some cases of severe sound temporarily until the condition improves and as an alternative to reduce the use of sound during the first treatment period

Cases of stuttering from the fourth stage, in which the patient temporarily avoids talking to those around him

Psychological conditions accompanying the disappearance of sound temporarily until the condition improves

And some other cases

The program so far contains about 1500 pronounced sentences, which will be increased in turn

The ability to register the user's family, that is, a new sentence, has been added to be added to the current list of sentences

If the family is not able to train the situation on using the device because of its lack of experience in dealing with the programs, we will provide them with training on using the device at their nearest branch, God willing.

The device was implemented as a last resort for a large segment of patients who had lost hope in any other method of treatment

Help spread this program to reach every patient who needs help ....

What's New in the Latest Version 1.6

Last updated on Mar 16, 2020

أقدم لكم جهازي التعويضي الجديد للصم والعديد من الحالات الأخري لأول مره في مصر والدول العربيه
يحتوي علي الإمكانيات التاليه :-
1- تحويل أصواتنا الي كلام مكتوب يظهر علي شاشه الجهاز ليقرأه المريض
2- يقوم المريض بكتابه ما يريده ويحول الجهاز كتابته الي صوت نسمعه
3- قوائم مخزنه لاكثر الجمل التي يكثر استخدامها مقسمه الي مجموعات مثل المنزل - العمل - السوبر ماركت - الشارع...
4- برنامج تعليمي للقراءه والكتابه والحوارات اليوميه
5- تخزين الحوارات اليوميه وعرضها في وقت لاحق
6- تواصل مع الأجهزه الأخري

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Request دار الحكمه للتخاطب الناطق للصم Update 1.6

Uploaded by

عباس قاسم

Requires Android

Android 2.3.4+

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